
10 Easy Ways You Can Make People Feel Good About Themselves

Everyone likes feeling special and important. No one wants to be used like a rag.People feel closer to those who make them feel good,happy and not neglected. It is high time we learned how to appreciate people more than making a mess out of them.Of course, there is a time for making a person feel bad, for example, when supervising a weak employee and your repeated kind words, encouragement, and efforts to “catch them doing something right” have been met only with complacency.

But we are wise to default to making others feel good about themselves. That’s not just because they’ll likely be nicer to us and do our bidding. It’s just humane—why not default toward making people feel better?

 I will be dishing out some useful points on how you can make people feel special and appreciated......

1. Lay Down a Common Ground- Comparing your possession or your achievement with some one's own  in a negative way is a turn off. For example if you are pretty good at something and someone is struggling to be better at it, you do not come off putting that person down by showing off yourself. Instead, tell the person:'' I m sure you will you good at this so. You are really too smart and this thing is too small for you''.

2. Encourage- What sunshine and rain do for flowers, encouragement does for humanity. Regardless of one’s position in life, everyone needs to hear words of encouragement. Encouraging someone is like adding water to their believes. It makes the bloom and want to do more and better.

3.Show Genuine Interest-Ask about something important to them and concentrate on what they have to say. Remembering and commenting on their hobbies, sports, vacations, or family at a later date will prove that you have a sincere interest in their lives.

4. Smile Often-  A sincere smile never goes out of style; it can mean different things to different people. A smile can brighten people’s day in an instant, and they’ll appreciate that you made the effort to acknowledge them.

5.Make a Friendly Call-It doesn’t have to be important or a special day, just call to let a friend or family member know you are thinking of them.  Asking how someone is doing is always appreciated.Yo never can tell what the person is going. A 5 minutes call go a long way.

6-Show Genuine Interest-Ask about something important to them and concentrate on what they have to say. Remembering and commenting on their hobbies, sports, vacations, or family at a later date will prove that you have a sincere interest in their lives.

7Express Love Unselfishly-Every person has a primary love language that dictates the ways they prefer to be loved. When we understand and love people the way they need to be loved (not just the way that satisfies our needs), it draws them closer to us and us to them. 

8.Develop A Genuine Interest In People-We tend to be wrapped up in ourselves. So asking a question or two beyond the obligatory, “How are you?” “Fine, how are you?” makes a person feel good. For example, remembering that on Friday your co-worker said that the in-laws were visiting this weekend, and on Monday your asking, “How’d it go with the in-laws?” makes the person feel cared about.Ask about them what they told you about some weeks ago. It will make them feel loved and cared for.

9. Give a Present -A gift does not need to be expensive or buoyant. Most people are moved by little things. Remembering someone's birthday with a gift will not only make their day but it will leave an everlasting memory in their head. Appreciate people with a gift for their effort. Everyone loves the idea of receiving a gift from someone they did not even expect it from. 

10.Praise but with moderation-Too frequent and/or too much praise quickly cheapens. Yes, look for opportunities to praise but realize that just as a government that prints too many naira notes  makes each naira worth less, so are compliments too often dispensed.Praise them but do not over do it. Let it be moderate and be felt as well.

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