
I Can't Deal With This Anymore

I can't deal with this anymore. Arrrrghhhhh!! 

Life presents us with many difficult situations that we sometimes feel like going crazy while we are in that situation. Sometimes we have this awful and unbearable feelings that we cannot deal with and difficult to understand. When people ask '' what is going on with you,are you okay? '' The truth is that you are not okay but you just do not understand what you are feeling and how to explain it but you know that it is a feeling you cannot cope with.

Whatever struggle we’re facing, whatever situation we’re dealing with — sometimes we just can’t look at the bright side. It’s an awful feeling and it can leave us helpless and hopeless.It can leave us at the verge of committing suicide. Yes suicide. Some people give up their lives because they cannot cope anymore. 

 But you know what, you are not alone. There are many people who are going through similar or more  difficult moments than yours. I know how life can be. Many of us ease the pains on drugs, sex, anger, alcohol and of course suicide. All these this are not the answer, you are the answer. I want to share some tips that might help you get through your tough moment.....

1. Write Them Out- Think about those things that makes you feel down or mad. Take out a sheet of paper or your diary or a sticky note,write them out and check how they are affecting you. Once you know those things , you can be able to figure how to tackle them bit by bit.

2.Pull from your "Solid Self" instead of your "Pseudo-Self. ''-  Do not live your life copying people. Live according to your strength. If you know your weakness, do not let it make you feel less instead let it compliment your strength. Do not live according to false version of yourself. Do not live a life that is misleading.

3. Have firm non-negotiable-I believe we all negotiate too much. In our jobs, our relationships, our boundaries, our time,dreams, our passions, our health and our happiness.You don't have a center of gravity. You do not know who you are and  If you don't know who you are,you will definitely not know where you are going? You will become a piece of drift wood floating in the ocean. You are lost and stagnant. You compromise your needs. You get into abusive relationships. You fall into depression and many negative thoughts will be running trough your head. You begin to believe you are worthless.

4.Know Your Problems- It is a different thing when you know you have a problem and finding out that you know these problems. Know your problems will push you to finding a solution for them. You do not just realize you have a problem and you do not want to work on them . 

5. Live inside out-Most of us allow external objects to define us. money, career, houses, statuses,cars. aesthetics, other people's opinions. With this mindset, it is nearly impossible to be an authentic version of ourselves. We will morph our truth to match things in the world around us, and lose our voice and authenticity in the process. Instead, the world will leave its mark on us.Comparing ourselves with others and what they have with a desire to chase after what is outside ourselves.

6. Share your story- You do not need to meet a psychologist to share your story. You can share your story with someone you can trust. Get a trusted friend you can talk to but not necessarily vomiting all your life stories to the person.We learn more from other people's stories than we do our own. If no one shared their stories, where would we be? What lessons would we learn? How alone would we feel?Your story is what makes you you

These are few tips I have been able to come up with and I hope it helps someone out there .You can deal with that stubborn problem . You can do it!!!

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