
No Cash? Here are 20 business ideas you can start with little or no cash

Hey people, today I will be dishing out about 20 beautiful mind blowing business ideas you can start with. A business idea doesn't need to be too huge or big before it will be pushed out there, it takes only boldness and confidence for the idea to come to reality .

 It is a wonderful thing when one knows what business to start with without investing so much at the initial stage. Not all businesses requires funds but every business ; especially small scale businesses requires time and time. A lot of us make the mistake of not having an objective, business plans, small capital and the necessary supports we need because we believe that the business we want to start up with is a small business so therefore none of these are required. A success business whether big or small scale business requires proper planning g and management before it booms.

 Below are 20 interesting money making business ideas you can start with..........................

1.Freelance developer -From building websites for other small businesses to providing technical support for certain projects, quality web development is in high demand right now. With such a technical skill set, make sure you can describe what you do and how you will do it in easy-to-understand language. Test your messaging on friends and family who don’t have a firm understanding of the work you do.By doing these services, you are on your way to success.

2.Life/career coach -If you have some experience under your belt, put it to good use as a life or career coach. Many of us are looking for guidance in our careers -- and finding someone with the time to mentor us can be tough. Life/career coaches don’t come cheap, but they are able to offer clients the intense and hands-on training and advice they need to make serious moves in their personal and professional lives. Take this business idea and kick start your career. Many people are lost in their career path, you can help them fix it.

3.E commerce store owner- Do you love bringing stuffs together? Those thin gs could be images, products and so on Do you create or curate anything special? Consider turning your hobby into something monetary and making it a full time job.Whether you need somewhere to sell all that pottery you’ve been making, or an excuse to search for the sports memorabilia you love tracking down -- an eCommerce store can make it financially viable for you to pursue your passion.

4.Graphic Design Business- If you are creative , motivated and have a god computer skill, you can consider making graphic design a business. You can begin with creating something nice or small for people even if you are not being paid for. Starting with friends and family is one of the best circles that promotes a business.

5. Videographer-Start by conducting photo shoots for your family and friends. As you build a body of work, ask for referrals. Photography businesses often grow by word of mouth, so create a Facebook page where you can tag recent clients, which will show up in their friends’ news feeds as well.

7.House cleaner- There are some businesses we feel that are too dirty and non profitable for us. Making a house cleaning job a business can turn your financial situation into a life time investment.

8.Personal chef- Sometimes when i taste some people'[s food, i always wish i could be good like them. I am not saying i cannot cook, it is just a taken t they have. Some people will be cooking and they are smiling and even dancing in the kitchen while some people will feel like cooking is exhausting. Why not make some cash out of your hobby?

9.Massage therapist-Soothe aching muscles and promote peace for your clients as a massage therapist. Look into training and certification courses in your city and state and invest in a portable bed to take on client visits.Some are so good in massaging people and making their bones feel relaxed. Take up this and make your money .

10.Hairdressing or makeup artist- It is possibly not reasonable for one to make up and at the same time dress her hair. It is also not possible for everyone to understand the rules in make up and the rules in hairdressing. Some people can close their eyes and make someone's hair and it turns out to be beautiful. People have events everyday and they need hairdressers and make up artiste to grace the even and make them look beautiful. 

11.Tutor- I came across some group of people who likes tutoring people privately for exams and other things. It became something they love doing and it eventually turned out to be something the make a living from. If you like teaching people and ensuring that you prepare them for exams, why not start as home tutor and you never can tell what might come out from it.

12.Consultant-Consulting jobs is now a big deal because there are people who were born to do this job. Are people always coming to you for ideas, solutions and the way forward. Are you always giving out useful ideas or guiding people on how not achieve a particular thing. Then give this a chance and follow it through.

13Marketing Services-Marketing does involve a certain level of background knowledge. That said, if you are not experienced, investing in an online course is not only cheap but will equip you with the adequate tools to start a solo digital marketing agency you could expand in the future.

14-Online dating consultant-Dating consultants usually charge for their time. They help people create successful online dating profiles, source possible matches from outside normal online channels, Think you’ve got a knack for the match? This might be the business for you

15-Personal trainer-Offer in-home consultations, personalized nutrition and exercise regimens, and community boot camps to get the word out. Don’t forget to populate an Instagram feed with inspirational quotes, free exercise videos, and yummy snack ideas as well -- it’s a common way for fitness gurus to build their brands.

16-Resume writer-Submitting a resume, cover letter, and and the rest when necessary or a  portfolio for a new job can be tough and time consuming. That’s why many people hire help. Assist clients with tailored  and catchy resumes, beautifully edited cover letters, and carefully crafted portfolios that make it impossible for employers to ignore.

17.Affiliate Marketing- Many eCommerce platforms are streaming out now like Jumia, Konga, JiJI, Kaiglo e.t.c You can become an affiliate marketer and make a cool cash by marketing their products on your own site or on your social media handle.Basically, you choose a product you like, promote it, and make a profit on each sale that stems from your marketing efforts.

18.Travel planner-The time of the travel agent might be passing, but people are still looking for those with a knack for more nontraditional travel coordination. If you always plan the perfect vacations complete with beautiful hotels, the ideal location, and a bevy of delicious restaurants lined up for every evening, consider advertising your services as a more modern approach to travel planning.

19.Art Lessons Business-The world of art is fiercely competitive. Although art appreciation is subjective, you will nearly always need a sizable foundation of natural artistic skill to make a name for yourself. But teaching side gigs can help, so that’s why some artists advertise themselves as teachers. You can instruct in small groups or tutor individual students, but the demographic is up to you, depending on whether you prefer to instruct adults or children.

20.Clothing boutique owner-If you dream of building your own fashion empire, why not start with a local boutique? Build buzz with impressive window displays, inspiring social media accounts, and heavy community involvement. You can begin with selling online. Thank God that we have many social apps for buying and selling. Let people know you and know what you are into.Set you business online first.

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