
It hurts- The concluding part

“ How long has ........this been going on " she asked stammering. She looked at Ella on the bed with her lover. She was weak. She stood up and left the room staggering.

What will she do to her daughter? She could not place when and how her daughter started sleeping with men. She never saw it coming. She never imagined seeing her precious daughter sleeping with her man. She thought her daughter was a saint.

 She did trust her a lot.
She sat down on the sofa and reflects back when Ella was small. She remembered not having time for her daughter.

She remembered not being a best friend to her daughter. She remembered not teaching her daughter what she was supposed to know. She remembered her daughter telling her “ mum it hurts" . She broke down and cried out loud. She blamed herself for failing as a mother. Her daughter learnt something from someone else. Her daughter learnt the wrong way.

She decided to do away with any man. She wiped her tears,stood up and entered her room . Ella was weeping to the point that she thought her mom would kill her. She didn't shout at her lover but instead she told him“ Thank you for being the father my daughter never had. Thank you for ruining my family. Thank you for loving me.
And I just want to tell you that our relationship is over on this spot. Please do not come back here again. You really hurt me by sleeping with my daughter. You took advantage of her . Thank you so much. I will not take you to Jail. You are free to go. I blamed myself for not teaching my daughter the right thing and for not being there for her. I was so engaged with my job that I forgot my responsibilities. " She said gently .

 Her husband to be didn't say anything,he was so ashamed of himself. He packed his bags and said:" I am really sorry for failing you. Please forgive me. Ella,I am very sorry for not letting you know the right thing. I am really ashamed of myself. "He left feeling so shameful.

Ella looked at her mum not knowing what to utter. She was still on the bed motionless. Her mum climbed the bed and hugged her daughter. They broke down in tears crying uncontrollably.

“ Mum,I am really sorry. When I found out that I can't do without sex, it was already too late. Telling you would make me stop having sex. I'm sorry mum. Michael and I had been sleeping together ever since I was little. He told me not to say a word to you or else he do something bad to me  and burry me. " I'm really sorry for disappointing you mum." She said weeping to the point that mucus from her nose turned to tears.

“ it's okay Ella. I'm the one to be blamed. I failed you as a mother. I took my job very important than you. I have ruined your future, your virginty. Your innocence. I am deeply in regret. "

They cannot change what happened. But to clean up their mess and create a better relationship. Her mum on the other hand became very close to her daughter. She thanked God because her daughter realized her mistakes. She was grateful that her daughter could forgive her and see a brighter future.

Note from Ella's mother to parents.....

“ Parents. Please pay good attention to your children, especially your baby girls. Whether you are a single mother, single dad, divorced or together. Please do not fail to teach your children the right thing about sex. Do not hide anything from them. Be their best friend and always watch out for changes in them. Check your girls private part to know if she feels pain whenever you touch any part."

“ Your job is not more important than your kids. Do not leave your children in the care of your house helps. I really failed at parenting and I do not want you to fail as well. It really hurts to see my daughter knowing so much at her age. It really hurt to see her waking up every morning with regrets. It really hurts to imagine seeing her on my matrimonial bed with my ex-husband . "

I have forgiven myself and everyone that hurt my daughter in the past. I have promised to be a better mother. There is still time to change things. I am working towards perfection. It is really hurtful but I have learned to let my mistakes go and learn from it. My daughter has forgiven me and together we will build our future together. "

“ What would you do if you were to be in my shoes? Beat your daughter? Insult her? Always remind her of her ugly past? Deny her of good things because she made a mistake? This is the time I have to be there for her, love her,cherish her, give her the best .

 Everything happens for a reason and that reason is for you to read our story and lean from it. It really hurts deep within but it will never hurt us again."

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