
I met an angel

It was a cold Monday morning;rushing and hustling in Lagos, everyone trying to get a nice and perfect space to stand and wait for a bus. You know how horrible it can be on Monday morning in Lagos.

A new week has started and of course hustling continues on Monday immediately the weekend ends.

A young girl who was trying to survive and join the working class and entrepreneur's club couldn't stop but join the flow of things in Lagos. While standing with others at the bus terminal waiting for an empty bus,she  quickly hurried and ran off to the other side when an empty bus dropped slowly at the bus terminal. She couldn't help but struggled her way into the front seat.

Phew!!! What a relief for her to have gotten a well comfortable front seat where she couldn't get to share it with anyone.

While she was enjoying the cozy moment of "a one passenger's front seat", pressing her phone and of course chatting her friends about the experience she just had, a young guy came directly to her and tapped her. She looked straight at him and was waiting for the guy to talk.

" Please madam, can you assist me with my transport fare. I have little cash with me".

" How much is it please".
" Just#500"
"Hmmmmm"! She checked her purse and taught of how she will make it home if she finally pays for the guy's transport fare.
" Okay! You can come in".
" Thank you very much ma. "

The guy hopped in and the journey continued. She alighted at her bustop and left without even taking a glimpse at the guy's face.

Some minutes later she got a message from someone she knew who requested for her account number. At first she was so relunctant to do so because she can't be sure if the person really wants to send the money to her.

Afterwards she went ahead and sent her account details. It didn't take like 30 minutes she sent the message and she got an alert from an anonymous person and a message came in as well.

" Thanks for helping me today. I guess you just met an angel today on your way".

" What???"  She exclaimed." I met an angel? Where? When and how?"She asked herself. She wanted to  scream on the road but she has to shut her mouth with both palms so as not to cause a scene .

She called her friend whom she sent her account details to be sure if he was the one that sent the money because from the look of things,the alert she received doesn't have any bank details of the sender; and it wasn't from her friend.

She got an alert of #500,000 instantly when she opened the message fully to read.
"Omg! I can't hold this unbelievable event to. This is too much. I helped someone and I got an alert of #500,000, just like that?

She got a call and it was from that person she helped. He said:" Never ignore someone who is in need. You helped a stranger who turned out to be an angel in disguise. You did what you did because you have a very good heart. This should be a lesson to everyone. Always be nice to people you don't know because you might be helping an angel."

After the call, she dropped her phone with excitement.

" I believe there are angels on the way. Never be rude to people you don't know. Help people when you can . Your reward is not far away from you."
 She took a deep breath and said calmly: " I met an angel today".

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