
20 valuable lessons from the movie“Acrimony"

The name ‘Tyler Perry’ means different things to different people. While some will say he is the Hollywood version of a Nollywood filmmaker, others believe he is a god. Whatever side of the divide you’re on, we can all agree that his contribution to black entertainment is nothing short of incredible. He has made films across genres; from comedy to romance to tragedy, but a recurring theme he explores in all his films is blackness; the real life experiences of black people in America.

But Tyler Perry is not the reason we are here. His latest movie – Acrimony is. Starring Taraji P. Henson, the movie remains one of the most debated ever. Months after it hit the cinemas, people are still debating who was right, wrong, extreme, stupid, fair, etc. The arguments are not letting up as – with every layer that is unwrapped, we discover more talking points with diverse opinions.

So I am sure a lot of us have watched the movie and have debated so much to the point that it seems like the movie happened real life.  Enough of the debate and let us catch some quick lessons from the movie.

The producer did not just make the movie for us to debate on but he passed some lessons for us to learn from. People call it mad movie, well it might be though
We have curated a list of lessons everyone can learn from Acrimony – no matter who you believe is right or wrong. Enjoy, and share.

1.Love has no limit but the lover is not fireproof, so you must pay attention to their needs as well.

2.There is no end to belief. Your dreams will always come through, just stay true to it and believe in it.

3.Whilst you wait for that tomorrow, remember there is a today and pay the required price to live for today. Do not just wait for what you wait for tomorrow to come. Pursue other things as well.

4.If you have sacrificed for something, never give up. You may just be at the verge of reaping the fruits

5 .Everyone deserves a second chance.Always give people a second chance,that second chance might change the story from better to best.

6.You have to deal with the little foxes; anger, resentment, hate, pain, etc. Seek help else it will destroy you.

7.Surround yourself with people that will help you with what you need and not what you want. Your friends are damn important, choose wisely

8.Faithfulness should beget same. Sacrifice should attract same. If someone has been kind to you, don’t give up easily. Fight for that person till there’s nothing left to fight for.

9.Don’t sell your dream for a paltry sum, out of desperation. Someone will understand its value and offer you the right price.

10.No matter how brilliant you are, access is everything. Without access to the right people, you may never achieve your full potential.

11.You need to let some people go, or be let go by some people to get your breakthrough.

12.No matter what happens, never forget those who were there when you had nothing.

13.Take care of your mental health. People pay way more attention to their physical health than their mental health. While you devote resources to the body, devote to the brain as well.

14.When things do not go the way you want, count your blessings, move on and live your best life.

15. Never let people run your marriage for you or else they will destroy it.

16. Avoid third party in your relationship. Close your ears to rumors unless you see them yourself.

17. Self control is the ultimate. We should learn to control ourselves.
18. Be there for your spouse, especially when things are hard. It will do them a lot of good.

19. Learn to trust people even when it is very difficult to trust them.

20. Do not let anything steal your happiness. The moment you stopped being happy, bitterness comes in.

These are  the 20 lessons from the mad movie.Did you learn anything we did not include? Share in comments section.

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