
Get To Know Someone

There  are things we should know about God. Truly, we have been hearing many things about God and his ways but the big question is do we really know him? If you as a baby Christian: Do you know God? His/her answer will be yes I do but do they really know him?

Let me introduce you to him so that we can get to know him more and deeper.We cannot truly know him until we have realized his importance in our lives and his role in our lives.There are also people who doesn't believe in God at all. They do not see him as anything rather ,they have another god they worship. A famous British judge, known for his strong belief in God, sometimes encountered people who said they didn’t believe in God. He always asked them to describe the god they didn’t believe in. After listening to their reply, he would tell them that he did not believe in the god they had just described either. He is....

1. Our Creator-God is the Supreme Creator of everything. Yet in the last century and a half the theory of evolution has become a big barrier to belief in God as Creator. This atheistic line of thought dominates the thinking of the world’s intelligentsia. In fact, much of modern higher education is based on an irrational belief in a series of lucky accidents—mindless evolution.Even if we argue with unbelievers from now till the end of the word about who their creator is and they are not still convinced about God being their creator, it still does not change God's status.

2.He is Our Care GiverCaring and compassion is one divine attribute that people sometimes overlook in considering our Creator. But King David didn’t. He exclaimed: “But You, O LORD, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering and abundant in mercy and truth … You, Lord, have helped me and comforted me”.

3.God reveals the future-God not only foretells a wondrous future world of prosperity, peace and plenty, but also a time of horrifying catastrophes that man will first bring on himself. Although our expanding modern technology, growing exponentially, lavishes on us many labor-saving devices our forefathers could only dream of, it has also produced incalculable means of self-destruction threatening our security.Meanwhile crime and violence, sickness and disease, famine and starvation, poverty and unhappiness are accelerating just as God prophesied in His Word long ago.

4. He is our greatest healer- Over time, God has been healing many sicknesses and diseases even the ones doctors could not heal. Even with the advancement in technology, God has always been the greatest healer. In spite of all the wondrous achievements and advancements in medical science, mankind is still plagued by diabetes, cancer, heart disease, AIDS, a host of harmful addictions and unending chronic ailments. 

5.God is love -The word love is probably the most misused, misapplied term in the English language. Lustful desire to possess another person most certainly is not real love. Love is so often confused with lust in the TV and movie world. Love is the first and foremost expression of God’s Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). It is the first gift of God that every Christian should seek. 

There are many things God is. He is the ultimate healer and the world greatest . When you get to know him, you are sure of having a life of eternity.

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