
This is an eye opener

An instagram user, Uche Nnaji made a big analysis on Dior outfit and how much Africans have been wearing this oufit without knowing the brand.He wrote:

''So Dior takes up Ankara Print and we think itโ€™s time to again RANT instead of ask ourselves honest questions ???๐Ÿค”.

The only difference from these people and you guys reading this is that they READ -RESEARCH and DOCUMENT (which is actually part of the objectives of the MET GALA that majority of Nigerians in Fashion /Blogs have been posting since yesterday but with none able to give an in-depth analysis of what they post ) all their creations and findings which is why in 2019 they not only have Brick and Mortar museums all over schools like FIT , Parsons CSM , but also Online resources where decades after we can still access initial works of Coco Chanel, Mariano Fortuny , Madeleine Vionnet, Claire McCardell , Dior , Armani and all the GREATs.
But In Nigeria and West Africa what do we DO? Mago-mago to the answer, No history , No institute to tell our stories, No constituted Governing BODY simply because majority of the established fashion designers and brands HERE reeks of unfathomable SELFISHNESS , Nobody is even documenting the FASHION SHOWS and preserving the Original (If there is really any๐Ÿ˜Œ) creations of the Designers and Thinkers who play at the Foundational Level of the Fashion Tree . 
Until Africans and Nigerians in particular start placing VALUE on LEARNING as opposed to ONLY TAKING PICTURES and slaying for the gram and clouting over meaningless flowership , until then those who place VALUE on such will keep taking our own stories and telling it to soothe their own narrative. ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿพ
#LetUsFixNigeria#nigeriafashionindustry #Nigerians#Fashion #CreativeIndustry''

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