
Read Why You Should Pick Up That Phone and Dial That Strange Number

Sometimes we thought that the people around us will always be there forever. We believe that we will always see them whenever we come across them . We feel like we will always pick our calls whenever we feel like. The truth is that , they will always cross our mind to check on them but we are always too busy to call them.  This is what happens with us sometimes:

''It's been long I have  heard from Alex, let me call her''. She picks up the phone and something else took her attention away from the phone call she wanted to  make and after that day, she never called back. We are always too busy. Very occupied . Yeah!! Not an excuse anyways.

Letting go of our pride as human is not easy. Someone has not called you for like 2 months and you know within you that you really want to speak to that friend but because of pride, we believe that we should not call that person because he/she has not called us in a long time, we cannot call that person or chat them up. We feel we should be treated the way we treat others. Yeah!! That's right. But we tend to forget that calling someone who we feel have forgotten us will reduce our status or self respect. We feel calling that friend whom we were so close to during our university days will make us less of a person. Now read this......

2 years ago, I stopped communicating with one of my secondary school friends. Back in my University days, we used to talk very well and call each other often. She was not in school then but I was. We became quiet close unlike when we were in secondary school.

She got admission  into the University, we started growing apart and gradually, the communication died off. The last time I saw her post was August 2018. I never heard or seen her post again. The news  I heard about her was very devastating . I regretted not keeping in touch with her. During that two years we stopped talking, I did not know that she had been very ill. She was just managing to keep up. My very good  friend lost her life in the cause of the sickness I did not even know anything about.

I was in a vehicle when I heard about her death. I could not control the tears. I quickly went into my messenger and checked our last chat . Do you know our last chat was when she was already in school? I kept on scrolling and reading our chats with my tears drooping on my phone screen and I realized that I was the one who could not keep on with the communication. I went to my phone contacts and searched for her number and I found her number on my phone. I broke into tears to the point that people around me were wondering what was wrong. I dialed her number and it was not going through. Her number became a strange number to me. I realized that it does not really matter who called you first or who chatted you first, it is about knowing what that your friend is going through that made him/her not to call you for a while.

No one has control over death. We can decide to stop talking to someone today and tomorrow that person is gone. I amended my ways and I started calling people more that they call me .  I chat them up when I don't hear from them for some weeks. The truth is that everyone is going through a lot including you. Be the one to make the sacrifice and reach out to someone today.

 Call that person you have not spoken to in a while. Text that friend that became a stranger to you. I once lost a special friend without remembering our last phone conversation because I felt she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Do not be like who ''I was'' be the ''new me'' and reach out to someone, you never can tell, that single call can change a life. That single call can put a smile on someone's face, that single call might be the last time you will hear from them. Your  words might heal a broken soul.


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