Have you ever been in a situation of not having money?A situation where you Can't find a way of getting your hair in order. You might be going for an event or an occasion and your hair hasn't been made.
You will grow and might cancel the event because you can't afford to carry an u tidy hair to such occasion.
Fortunately,there are ways we could put our untidy looking hair in such a way that it baffles you on how you have been missing such an amazing quickest hair style ever.One of the ways and most popular and hottest hair style is "Bantu Knots".
BANTU KNOTS has always been invoke and it has been one of the simplest but mature hairstyle to do in an urgent situation.A popular hair trend of the 90s sported by style stars like Lauryn Hill and Gwen Stafani, Bantu knots actually have their roots in Sub-Sahara.
Named after the region’s far-migrating Bantu peoples, they look like tightly coiled little knots of hair, created when the locks are twisted and pinned into place. Also called Zulu knots, natural textured hair takes the style with ease, but with the right hair products, most hair types can adopt the look.
I call the hair style" Plan B" hair style. When your plan A doesn't work out,it becomes your plan B.
Many times I have been worrying myself over what simple hair to do for church when my hair isn't done or to an occasion that just came up, untill I realised that Bantu Knots can do justice to my worries and it did.
This hair style is simple to do and all you have to is are:
1.make sure your hair is damped or you can wash it with shampoo and dry it, which ever ways.
2.Cream your hair with hair cream that best suits your hair or she's butter.
3. Make sure your combs are wide toothed combs, comb your hair starting from the bottom to detangle it.
4.Part your hair to any style you desire; centre, half parting or any style that fits you.
5. Cut your hair into small portions and different sections as small as 1/2 inch wide or as large as 3 wide with a tail comb and tie off each section with an elastic.
6. TWist each section 2-3 times,stop twisting 1 inch around the hair to avoid breakage.
7.Wrap each twist around the nuts clock wise and the tuck the end of the knot to the root of the knot. You might want to use a pin to hold them if there is any need.
8. Leave it for few hours and loose them gently using tail or picking comb and pick them gently so that they will not scatter.
9. Style the hair to any style that suits you most. Do not comb out the curls, just pick them out if not the beauty of the hair will be gone.
TIPS: Making small tight curls means many curls , fewer large nuts will give you loose curls.
1.Wear a shower cap to protect the knots overnight.
2. Untuck the hair ends in the morning and gently untwist each knot.
3. Coat your fingers with a small amount of hair oil and finger-comb the curls to get the style you want. If it looks flat at the roots, lift gently with a wide-tooth comb.
4. Twist the knots back up at the end of the day and cover your hair again to get a second day of curls.
Now you have followed this steps, you will not have a problem fixing your hair. It's a very hot hair style if you can properly arrange your hair well.
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