
10 habits that renders the brain useless

I came about this article while reading something on the human brain and how it works. I came to a realisation that there are habits that we do ignorantly that damages our brain. Keeping it to myself will not help anyone neither will it help me.I decided to write something on it so that we all will be aware of the things we do that  damage our brain.
 There are habits that we cultivate  and we believe they are  normal habits without realizing the consequences of them.
Our brain is an important cell in the human body that controls the activities of every individual. When we walk, eat, talk, see, how we reason, Infact virtually everything, the brain controls them.Because of this function, the brain  should be taken care of  at all times by avoiding some habits that we do out of ignorance.
Our brain responds differently to things, there are people that their brain responds faster and some it takes them like few minutes to pick up things. Its not that they were born like that but because of how they made use of their brain.
   When our brain  gets damaged, there is no difference between us and an insane man and its functionality will reduce to a point that we might find it hard to think properly and do things normally.
If we can avoid such habits listed below,our brain will respond faster than we expect.
The  habits  that damage our brain are:
1. Skipping Breakfast
2. Sleeping late
3. Eating meal while watching film on your TV or on your computer.
4. Wearing Caps , scarfs or socks while sleeping
5. High sugar consumption
6. Habit of blocking or holding urine.
7.More sleeping especially in the morning.
8. Eating too much fast food
9. Taking too much alcohol.
10 . Regular intake of substance abuse like: Cigarette, marijuana , cocaine, heroine and so on.
There are many habits that damage the brain but if few could be stopped,others could be controlled as well
All these habits listed above are dangerous to the brain if not stopped. Please read and share to others. Remember! Knowledge is power.